I am a generally nice person who just uses this website to blog about life, love and cake – ok, it’s probably mainly cake and food (and cat pictures).
I do not keep your personal data on this website.
However, you will leave digital footprints whenever using the internet. Your internet provider, the providers who host the domains and websites, which you visit, basically all social media sites, etc. will save some data like your IP adress. Please, inform yourself and browse responsibly. I cannot be held responsible for your internet use.
This website may contain links to other websites or social media channels. I am not responsbible for the content or privacy practices of these websites or social media channels.
A click on the Instagram media icon on this website leads to my Instagram lifelovescake. Do not click on the Instagram media icon, if you do not want to use Instagram.
You agree that I save your e-mail adress and all data, which you have sent me, if you contact me via e-mail.
The processing of personal data, such as your email address is in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to this website.
The GDPR is a horribly long and boring read which I feel little inclinde to burden you with. For all of you suffering from insominia it can be found here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html.
Among many other rights you have the right to withdraw consent from processing of personal data at any time. For this, you have to contact me via e-mail (to withdraw consent from using your e-mail; I know, I know).
To keep it really simple: Do not send an e-mail first of all, if you do not want your data like your e-mail adress being known and used by me.
Currently, I do not use tools like Google Analytics to monitor this website. In case that I will change this practise, I will inform you here about the use of data collecting services.
You can contact me via e-mail.